Thursday, December 18, 2008


Where do you think the plastic bags go? All the bags that we use all end up in the ocean where everybody loves going in summer to swim, surf, and just have fun in the ocean.

This is bad for our environment because plastic bags never go away and all the bags go to the ocean into small pieces and the animals in the land and ocean eat it and they choke and die.

Order to save our environment we have to re-use bags, bring bags from home to grocery store, and we have to save those animals all around the world.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Mehadi 12-12-08 Hunter E.L.A
It was November 4, 2008. I was sitting in the living room watching television with my family. When I first heard the people in the news talking at eleven o’clock .I wanted to know what was happening in the USA. As soon as I heard the reporters announcing about the next new president, I wondered who was going to be the next president. The reporter said it is Barrack Obama. I was so excited. Obama is a great politician. I think he would be the right guy to lead USA in the right path.

The first reason Obama is a great politician is because he is smart and and intelligent guy. For example, he went to Harvard and worked as U.S senate for many years. Obama’s father really worked hard for himself and his family. His father was also a slave in Africa.

The second reason Obama is a great politician is because he is a great leader and he made history. For example, he had gone to law school. Obama became a president in law school. Obama went to a lot of schools for more knowledge and tried his best always.

The third reason Obama is a great palliation is because he has great idea for the United States of America. For examples, he wants to help the homeless people. He also, wants to save the environment. Obama is trying to stop the war in Iraq and building owners. Obama was also trying to make a difference In U.S.A.

In conclusion, I realize that Obama is really a smart person and Obama also stated that CHANGE HAS COME TO USA when he became the president in November 4, 2008.