There are a lot of ways water gets contaminated. One of them is that the excretion of all the humans in the third world are getting flowed with the ground in the rivers and oceans. Also where all of them get water and play in and also have fun is where they have all of their excretion in the ground. And also they don't realize that they are just hurting themselves until the very end.
There are a lot of dangers of water contamination but few are that you can get 1,000,000,000,000 viruses, 10,000,000 bacteria, and 1,000 parasitic worms.
I think that the LIFE STRAW invention is a very good idea and anyone can use it. For example; you drink using the straw and there are two filters who separates the bacteria, parasitic worms, and viruses.
Well for one idea is that the people in the 3rd world countries don't have enough money to buy a sour patch for 10 cent and they don't have enough money to afford more than 5 dollars to buy the LIFE STRAW.